• Creating a Community Where Everyone Belongs

A message from our CEO

Everyone has been working really hard across the whole of My Life to ensure we continue to support people in a way that makes sense to them and in line with government guidance and local lockdown policies.

We have continued to get support on a local level from Councils, CCG’s and Public Health to ensure we are delivering a safe and effective service. The Wigan Public Health team came to the Standish site for a visit which was really helpful, as they recognised the hard work and thought put into the site and gave us the confidence our implementation was good.

We have equally been working hard to look at a variety of new options for young people and their families who are going through the transition process and for those who are looking to change what they do, as well as having to think hard due to Covid-19 still being present, so we are in the process of designing more options for more people.

This is still being thought through, but we are looking to develop micro-enterprises for people to make a contribution to their community, extend how we can support individuals from home to one of our sites, as well as considering a wide range of options for transporting individuals.

The highlight over the last few weeks has got to have been teaching members, staff and students alike to get riding our ponies. People have tried something new, conquered fears, experienced new heights (literally) and have fallen back in love with a hobby from their past.

This will be an ongoing offer both on our curriculum and for members who attend for the day at Standish and Leigh. It has become so popular we have recruited some new tutors to help meet the demand and we are looking to expand our equine stock.

Thank you to everyone who has donated rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens and hamsters, which will really help to expand the learning experience for all of our members and students. Watch out for the progress over the coming weeks as we all learn more about the wonderful world of the animal kingdom!

Caroline Tomlinson, 

CEO, My Life

A message from our CEO

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Thompson House
Wigan Council
Lancashire County Council
Shop 4 support
Care Quality Commission
NHS England

Registered charity number 1167858 - Registered office: Thompson House Equestrian Centre, Off Pepper Lane, Standish, Wigan, Lancashire, WN6 0PP

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