• Creating a Community Where Everyone Belongs

A message from our CEO

Hello everyone,

We want to send a virtual hug and wave to remind you all we are still here and are ready when you need us.

We totally understand how difficult life is for everyone at the moment. The weather is due a change and although our land and flowers will like the rain, it may make things a little harder to bear. If you need us to do anything at all, from having a chat, some outreach support, respite in a chalet or dropping off some essential items, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We are keeping all of our sites going and Standish in particular is looking fantastic, with the wonderful vegetables, salads and plants growing, as well as some new buildings being put in place.  We will be delivering our hanging baskets and bedding plants over the next few weeks, so keep us in mind for your garden. Our army of volunteers have been sewing PPE gowns for Wigan hospital, which has been an amazing achievement from the whole community.

We are keeping everything going so when you are ready, we will be ready with lots of exciting things to do.

We love all of your messages and photos and want you to keep sending them in – we have some amazing videos being made which we really want you to join in, so contact us if you want to be involved.

We miss you all and can’t wait to see you.

With much love, Caroline x

A message from our CEO

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Thompson House
Wigan Council
Lancashire County Council
Shop 4 support
Care Quality Commission
NHS England

Registered charity number 1167858 - Registered office: Thompson House Equestrian Centre, Off Pepper Lane, Standish, Wigan, Lancashire, WN6 0PP

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