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Lincoln’s blog: days 5-6

Day 5:

The next morning we left the snowy climate of the atlas and headed south. Within an hour of driving we came across a half collapsed rope bridge over a dry river bed, so of course we pulled over and jumped out to have a go!

It was 60 km to Marrakech (one hour) where we hit the huddle of the city and boy did we hit it, cars, busses, motorbikes, kids running in the street, donkeys, carts. Poor John had the worst of it by offering to drive first! After the bustle of the city (we made it out unscathed) we headed on for Ouzarate. This road would take us up into the mountains and back down the other side, through the tik tik pass, from hot weather to snow back to hot again, incredible scenes.

After a long days ride we found a good Riad for only £8 each then off out in search of sustenance and found out for a meal, chicken, chips, egg & bread all for £3.50, magic.

Day 6:

Next day, the Riad owner woke us up sharp at 8:30 for breakfast, then we packed the car and set off (not before discovering and repairing a puncture on the car). After a few hours uneventful driving, we came over a hill and Paul had to slam on as there was a local man stood in the road waving us down. He told us his car had broken down and tried to climb in the already overloaded car with us! After we told him there was no way we could give him a ride to the next town, we offered to take a message for him to his cousin. After following his directions we arrived at a fabric store, went in and gave them the message. The owner immediately sent someone out to rescue his cousin and invited us all in for tea! After a good hour of relaxing and enjoying some real Moroccan culture, we continued on for M’Hamid on the edge of the Sahara.

Here now it literally feels like the edge of civilisation as the road actually just comes to a dead halt and the desert stretches out as far as the eye can see.

Found a lovely Riad to stay and they sorted out all our desert trip so we are all set and ready for the next part of our adventure!

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